Lee Ketelsen

Lee Ketelsen has 35 years of organizing experience. After graduating from the Woodrow Wilson School of Public Affairs at Princeton University in 1977, she began as a community organizer in 1977 trained and placed by National Peoples’ Action in the African-American neighborhood of Austin in Chicago. In 1981, she moved to Boston and did multi-racial low-income organizing for Mass Fair Share becoming the statewide toxics campaign director in 1986-87. Hired by Clean Water Action (CWA) for a campaign on waste incineration, she remained at Clean Water Action (CWA) for a total of 25 years, becoming the New England director and coordinating statewide campaigns and coalitions in Massachusetts. She left CWA to direct her energies to combating corporate domination of democracy. As a volunteer, she currently coordinates Move to Amend affiliates in Massachusetts.